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Study Smarter, Not Harder: Essential Study Tips for Success

Updated: Jan 24, 2024

A image of a study area with laptop, book and a night lamp.
A Late Night Study Session

When i attended college there wasn’t a technique that i knew of, as means of proven techniques to increase focus and the way of study.

Using the old fashion way of studying and relaying on your brain to do the rest.

Today, i’m handing you the ability to study efficiently and effectively, which is more critical than ever with the rise of ai.

Whether you're a student, a professional looking to upgrade your skills or someone who simply loves to learn, adopting the right study techniques can make a world of difference in your journey toward personal development and self-improvement.

In this blog post, we'll dwell into four key study methods that are proven to enhance your learning experience and help you achieve your goals.

These methods include the Feynman Technique, the Blurring Method, the Leitner System (Flashcards), and the Pomodoro Technique.


Feynman Technique: Teaching for Understanding

The Feynman Technique is a powerful method that encourages you to gain a deep understanding of the subject matter.

Named after Nobel laureate physicist Richard Feynman, this technique prompts you to approach your study material as if you were teaching it to someone who knows nothing about it.

For instance, you learned chemical atoms and molecules stores energy which called “potential energy” and when these bonds are broken they are released forming and converting into other energy types such as thermal, electrical and mechanical energy.

In a form of sermonise, convey what you have learned to any age group.

This forces you to simplify complex concepts using plain language and relatable examples. When you struggle to explain a concept, it signals that you need to revisit and learn more about it.

The Feynman Technique helps to solidify your knowledge by reinforcing your understanding through teaching and simplification.

How to learn this technique? The Feynman Technique requires time and effort to break down complex ideas into simpler terms, which can be challenging for subjects that are already difficult to grasp. However, the investment is worth it when you achieve a profound understanding of the material.


Blurring Method: Keeping Things Fresh

You’re probably familiar with this study technique, it’s apart of our every day life without the use of writing.

The Blurring Method advocates against studying a single topic for an extended period of time.

Instead, it suggests reviewing a study material for short study session and memorising all the key concepts of what you have learned.

This approach prevents boredom and helps you learn more effectively.

The constant writing, bullets points and even construction of diagrams, keeps your mind engaged and alert, which can lead to better retention of information.

How do learn this technique? The Blurring Method might can be grasp with consistent effort, trail and error to make it less of a challenge to deeply dive into a single topic. Your learning experience change after using this technique it is by far the best on this list.


Leitner System (Flashcards): Spaced Repetition for Mastery

The Leitner System, also known as the Flashcard System, is an excellent tool for memorization and retention.

We’ve all used this technique in grade school utilising index cards.

Create question-answer flashcards and organize them into different boxes based on your familiarity with the content: new, easy, medium, and hard.

Review the flashcards regularly, moving them down as you familiarise yourself with the information of each question. This method leverages spaced repetition to optimise your memory recall.

How to learn this technique? Grab yourself some cards of your favour add subject, difficulty, question and lastly your answer on the opposite side of the card. The Leitner System is most effective for factual and rote memoization as time progresses your cards labeled “hard” will turn into easy.


Pomodoro Technique: Time Management and Focus

The last technique on the list, The Pomodoro Technique.

This is not a study technique but is a time management method that encourages focused, productive study or work sessions.

You may ask well why’s it on the study technique? Well, it is in correlation to all study techniques. studying, working and performing task requires time management to evade burn out and boredom.

Promodoro technique involves working for 25 minutes, followed by a 5-minute break.

After four sessions, take a longer break of 15-30 minutes.

You can also adjust your sessions of work and breaks to your personal preference. Using a timer helps you stay on track and maintain a fresh, focused mindset throughout your study sessions.

How to learn this technique? The Pomodoro Technique can’t be learnt, with your consistency and determination you will be more productive with your studies than ever before.



In the quest for self-improvement and personal development, effective study techniques play a pivotal role.

Each of the four methods discussed, has its own unique strengths and limitations.

It's essential to consider your specific needs, the nature of the material you're studying and your personal learning style when choosing the right method for you.

Remember that the key to success is not just about working hard but also working smart. Experiment with these techniques, find what works best for you and adapt them to your unique learning journey.

By adopting these methods, you'll be on your way to studying smarter and not harder, achieving your goals more efficiently and effectively.

As always, well wishes and good luck on uses these study techniques for your journey to self-improvement, a healthier and more productive lifestyle!

Thanks For Reading!

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