How many times have you found yourself saying “what if i did this” or “what if i did that” would the overcome of a certain situation be better?
We all have this constant thought of wishing to change the past but it shouldn’t be that way.
In fact, it does nothing but hinder the mindset of personal growth because we often find ourselves attached to the past, holding onto memories, experiences and sometimes even pain.
The ability to let go of the past is crucial for anyone seeking to be a better individual, emotionally, physically and overall maintaining a healthy well-being to move forward in life.
With that being said, let’s walk through a guide on How to Let go of the past and cultivate personal development.
1. Acknowledge and Acceptance
Yes, i understand for some of us out there, accepting and acknowledging certain situations can feel like stretching your leg from step one to the tenth.
However, at the point of acceptance, is all in one the beginning and the end of letting go of the past if you want it to be way.
Understand that it's a part of your story which is unique and it doesn't define your future.
Acceptance is the first step towards release of negative energies and being open for positive ones.
2. Reflect and Learn
Take time to reflect on the past.
As simple as it may sound, majority of us don't take the time to really reflect and learn.
Here's some example questions you can ask yourself for reflection:
What lessons can i draw from those experiences?
How have they shaped me?
How can i move forward from here?
Learning from the past is a powerful way to turn it into a stepping stone rather than an anchor.
“What if i am a beginner and i haven’t reflected before”.
No worries, the most powerful way of reflection is journaling.
You have the right to choose how often you would like to journal daily, weekly or even monthly.
Though, the most recommended are daily and weekly journaling, by constantly reflecting per day sets the momentum for utmost positivity for yourself and those around you.
3. Forgive, Including Yourself
Forgiveness is not condoning what happened or pointing fingers to the initial problem, it's releasing the hold it has on you.
Forgive others and most importantly, forgive yourself.
Understand that everyone makes mistakes and growth often arises from those mistakes.
So, if you recently had conflicts with a certain individual, arising a solution to the issue should always be the first course of action.
We often let conflicts sit and boil like a pot of water at 100 degrees, till it’s too hot for our hands to grasp or even get a hold of it.
4. Create a Vision for the Future
When i say create a vision for the future, it does not mean a vision of a relationship with someone you had possible conflicts with.
It means setting new goals and envision the life you want.
What do i want?
What changes do in need to make in order to get there?
Where do i start this journey?
There are many ways you can go about doing so, whether it's through the use of daily affirmations or creating a vision board.
These are indeed plausible ways of envisioning the person you want to become. Focusing on the future helps shift your perspective away from dwelling on past events.
Define your aspirations and let them pull you forward.
5. Cultivate Mindfulness Practices
Mindfulness practices?
Do you mean yoga and meditation?
Yes but no...You see, mindfulness practices aren’t as complex as you may think.
A stroll in the park, deep breathing exercises, mindful eating and communicating with others are simple and effective ways to consider mindfulness.
They provide tools to manage intrusive thoughts and at times, evade the imposter syndrome.
Through mindfulness, the past will slowly diminish as you keep centered to the present moment and not heavily fixed on the past.
Letting go of the past is a journey, not a destination.
For some it may be difficult, for others it may not. However, this blog post was specially curated for us all.
As it requires patience, self-compassion and a commitment to personal growth.
By acknowledging, learning, forgiving and looking forward to the path ahead, you can free yourself from the weight of the past and step into a brighter and more fulfilling future.
Remember, the power to shape your destiny lies in your ability to let go.
Burdens can influence who you are in this present moment, how you socialise with others and overall the person you would like to be in the future.
So, let it go.
Thanks For Reading!
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